Children (kindergarten and primary school)
Dog therapist is not just a dog polite, well behaved and gentle. It (after passing the admission test) done with his guide a 6-month training. Takes place in the form of weekend seminars. The training includes theoretical part for the guide dog and the practical component for the guide dog and is conducted by suitably qualified team (guide + dog) dogotheraphy, however, has an amazing effect. Its main advantage is the opening up of patients on the therapist and the desire to make contact and further cooperation. A child who believes that the exercise with your dog is fun to execute commands more likely the therapist is able to focus on longer and more involved. In this way the effects are seen more quickly. The dog also becomes the topic of conversation after class, the reason for detachment from everyday worries. The child is finding a friend and companion dog play area, no longer feel alone in the process of recovery. There are cases where the presence of a dog in the class is not suitable. This mainly applies to children with allergies to dog hair - it is very important is the right child caregivers interviewed. The therapist dogs courses teach how to properly diagnose a child at an angle therapist dogs classes. They are also the children for whom the dog is not an attraction, or motivator. In this case you should look for another, an attractive form of employment for a child who will answer to his problems. There are also children aggressive towards dogs. This is a problem that you work to fit an appropriate program of therapy, but usually need assistance as resource persons. It also happens that because of the dog's health, these children are first routed to other therapies, and only after passing the main problems included a dog.