Childhood autism
Sometimes, what fail to reach the doctors, therapists conventional methods is becoming easier with dogotherapy. One such example is autistic. To this day, it is not known until the end of the genesis of the disease. A child suffering from it live in their own isolation from the real world. Not allowed to touch, hug, verbal contact is limited and often bizarre vocabulary (neologisms). He is afraid of any changes, they arouse a feeling of panic, I do not want to go out for walks, do not even make contact with their parents. Often, therapists and parents are helpless. They can not overcome the limit "of two worlds." In many cases, goes to the dog. The dog has been authorized to penetrate the child into his world. Child feels safer when it is with him his four-legged friend. The dog is able to interest the young patient outside world, make the walk no longer seems scary, and touch can be something natural and pleasant.